
World Service Business Conference Report by Sheryl G.

I am grateful for the opportunity to attend the 2023 WSBC Conference representing Region 5 as a Delegate. I was considered a Green Dot (first time attendee), even though I had attended WSBC ages ago (over 20+ years ago). I was asked by another attendee if things had changed immensely since the last time I was there. I had to honestly state, many things were different, but there were also several things that remained the same.

I am excited to serve on the Conference Approved Literature Committee. I was impressed by the structure of the committee and how it runs like a well-oiled machine. Two pieces of new literature were being considered on the floor at this conference: “Diverse Voices: A Common Solution” and “Sponsorship in OA: Guiding Others Into Recovery”. Additionally, the committee had one piece already in the publication process: “OA Handbook for Members, Groups, and Service Bodies”, as well as one piece that the committee is working towards completing: “The Twelve Traditions Workshop and Study Guide”. I was pleased to be placed on the sub-committee working on that last piece of literature. During the Business Session, the two pieces of new literature were voted on. “Diverse Voices” was passed and “Sponsorship in OA” was defeated.

During the conference I visited the Reference Committee a couple of times to see how the process of discussion and recommendations coming from that committee were arrived at. The process was very interesting to observe, and I learned a lot just from observing.

Prior to conference, I was a bit overwhelmed by the 400+ page Delegate Binder that was sent to me in PDF format via emailed website. I downloaded it and began reading the week before conference. I am really glad I did, as I was somewhat familiar with the binder when I got to Albuquerque and got a physical copy of the binder that I could mark up and put sticky tabs all throughout to mark important sections. Especially helpful were the sections on Parliamentary Procedure terms and the Business Glossary of terms.

Some of the votes on Policy Motions and ByLaws Proposals did not go the direction that I had anticipated. It was enlightening to hear pros and cons and the variety of clarification questions that were entertained for many of the motions. In some instances, it changed my initial inclinations regarding the motions. Ultimately, the prevailing vote was always in favor of what was best for the good of OA as a whole.

I have grown and my program was strengthened as a result of attending the conference. It was good to end the conference with a nice banquet dinner together with the other delegates, followed by a dance and lots of fellowship with other recovering compulsive eaters. This is always a good time and I really enjoyed myself. Again, I want to thank Region 5 for affording me the opportunity to serve.

– Yours in service, Sheryl G.