
My Very First OA World Service Business Assembly

This past Spring, April 2023, I attended my very first Overeaters Anonymous World Service Business Assembly in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  I was what was called a “Green Dot”, the name given to a newcomer at the assembly, because you are given that dot on your nametag.

It was an amazing experience! Exciting, scary, confusing, chaotic, overwhelming, impressive, inspiring, and a wonderful learning time for this recovery compulsive overeater/food addict.  I was assigned a mentor who supported me every step of the way. I witnessed OA service in action in astounding and loving ways, from my mentor explaining the process, to the patience & willingness of anyone I asked questions of, to the strong dedication and work of the officers and trustees and office staff who have given hours of their time and energy to serve unselfishly, to keep OA going strong. And so much more!

I left Albuquerque and the Assembly that week with a grateful heart and a renewed energy and commitment to serve OA and my recovery in a deeper and stronger way. As I have been told many times throughout my OA recovery – ”You can’t keep it unless you give it away.”  And “We act ourselves into recovery”. I have since become more active with service in my home meeting, my Region 5, and World Service.

It works if we work it!