
Only I see my recovery by looking at my wrist.

My recovery is visible in many ways. I have lost 100 pounds and gone from a Size 20 to a Size 10.  People say I look younger, but I don’t think that’s just about my appearance; they see that I am more active, agile, and confident.  My doctor can surely see my recovery.  My weight loss and increased activity have lowered my blood pressure and blood sugar, and I have been able to eliminate prescription drugs for those conditions.  My family is grateful for my recovery because I now participate in physical activities without fear, dread, or embarrassment.  But nobody but me knows about some very special evidence of my recovery.

My mom died eight years ago.  I inherited all of her jewelry.  Some of the pieces were valuable, but all were precious to me, especially ones she bought while traveling.  She was partial to turquoise jewelry made by Native Americans.  I loved her silver and turquoise bracelet that had a very unusual design.  

It was too small for my large wrist.  I am just big boned, I said to myself.  I tried to wear it several times, but the magnetic clasp gave way as soon as I flexed my wrist.  I lost it once for weeks until I found it under my car mat.  Another time, a neighbor found it on the ground in our parking lot.  I finally decided it was just too precious for me to take a chance losing it again, so I put it in my jewelry box.A couple years into the program, while I was maintaining my weight loss, I came across the bracelet and I tried it on.  I was amazed when it fit!  I wear it all the time now.  It is a precious reminder of my mother and my recovery.  Mom had always worried about my health, and she would have been so happy to see the new me.