
The Gift of Covid-19

Yeah, we all received that gift this year. No hugs good-bye or hello to family or friends. Instead, we Zoom and send posts in Instagram. We have memories of those gone and still hear their voices. The presence of each of us is so, so important.

To creativity: cooking a new recipe; learning to Zoom, to knit, to write, or to draw; singing songs; or sending new videos to help inspire others and to share hope.

This too will pass. We will get the vaccines distributed as quickly as possible. We will gather in groups. We will celebrate weddings and new lives. We will hug and kiss (the newborns and newlyweds will be especially sweet).

Yes, you are each missed. You are all REALLY missed! We look forward to gathering again and to giving hugs and sharing stories. The gift of Covid-19 is we realize how important each one of you are.

Amid the wish I could, let us hang on to the yes, I did.

— Lynn H.